Gum Treatment

Gingivitis or periodontal disease starts with bacterial development in your mouth. If not properly treated, tooth loss due to the destruction of the tissue that surrounds your teeth may occur.

  • Gingival graft: Exposure of the tooth root due to loss of gum, can result in sensitivity or pain from the exposed tooth root surface and hence, requires surgical correction. The surgical correction procedure called Soft Tissue Grafting replaces the missing gum tissue and protects your teeth. Gum grafts fill up the deficient gums resulting in gum symmetry.
  • De-pigmentation Of Gums: Gum depigmentation is ideal for people who have dark gums. We use the advanced Soft Tissue Lasers, to treat your gums and get the original color back.
  • Gum Reshaping: Excess gum tissue, can shorten the appearance of your teeth and impact the proportion of your smile. A gum lift technique reshapes the gums, lengthen the appearance of the teeth, and helps in renewing your smile.

Further treatment

 If you have severe gum disease, you may need further treatment, such as periodontal surgery. At times, it’s important to remove the affected tooth. The dentist will be able to tell you about the procedure needed and how it’s carried out.

In case you’re having surgery or root planing, you might be given antibiotics (medication to treat infections).

Are special arrangements required before treatment for gum disease?

The time expected to perform the technique, your level of discomfort and time expected to heal will differ from patient to patient contingent upon the type and extent of the procedure and your general wellbeing. Local anesthesia to numb the treatment area might be given before a few medications. If necessary, a medicine might be given to enable you to relax.