Oral examination

At Teeth & Braces, we prioritize your oral health and do a detailed check-up along with x-rays and other diagnostic aids to diagnose the problem. Since your oral health is closely related to your overall health, we provide instructions on brushing technique, oral hygiene maintenance, and dietary habits.

The investigation

Any oral health exam includes a detailed examination of your teeth and supporting structures. The process involves the incorporation of various techniques, technologies, and therapies.

  • We, at Teeth & Braces, explores every surface of every tooth to uncover new cavities and examine the quality of existing fillings using dental instruments.
  • If X-rays are necessary, we take full-mouth X-rays or bitewings (molars and premolars) to detect abnormalities not visible to the naked eye.

At Teeth & Braces, we typically perform periodontal probing to measure the circumference of each tooth and the strength of the supporting bone structure. If the gums do not tighten after the cleaning, you will be scheduled for a scaling or root planing appointment.

The education

Following the investigative stage of your oral exam, we, at Teeth & Braces spend some time with you talking about your findings, concerns, and any problematic issues.

  • Professional cleaning is recommended every six months or as often as every two months should you be at risk for periodontal disease, are a smoker or a diabetic.
  • We review brushing and flossing habits to ensure that you know how to perform them properly.
  • Nutritional habits also play a role in dental hygiene. We review nutritional habits that support the teeth, gums and bone structure in the mouth. Special attention is given to people who suffer from bad breath (halitosis), dry mouth, tooth sensitivity and the like.
  • We also provide advice based on your individual needs.